Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Ok........ I'm confused why my blog is posting every new post as May 17th. I tried to change the settings so chances are this one will be back to normal, but so far I have like 4 postings for May the 17th....... wonder why?
Anyway. I hope everyone has had a great last couple of days. Mine have been Ggggrrrreaattt!!! Nothing on my to do list except scrap, swim and sleep. YAY!!! Actually I did break the cycle today and study for my state boards for approximately 2 hours but that was about it........ oh yea and I walked. :) Will blog more fun and interesting stuff later, but for now......... That's all folks!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Summer Fun!!

I had a BLAST this memorial day weekend. I didn't do much really, just sat around relaxed and we had a cookout and invited my family. Holidays spent with family are always the best. The more the Merrier is my moto. I love spending time with the kids soo soo much. I love watching them grow and laugh. If you can't tell by my blog so far, I am head over heals for all four of them ( two nieces/two nephews ). There is nothing like them. Anyway I included a few pictures of all of this weekends festivities just for fun. Enjoy....... I'll start blogging faithfully again soon.
Lane Houston and my aunt

Lauren and Molly Cooling down with some popsicles!!

James Dallas and Molly drinking the sprinkler water

Tomorrow I go to a LSS for a class with Karen Foster!! Can't wait. I'm superexcited. I'll post pictures of our LO and of the class if I have time to take any.

Just thought of this......

So, I was sitting around a few minutes ago looking through my albums and I realized that I titled this blog " scrappers life " with the intent to share some of my scrapbook creations and I have failed to do so thus far. SO here you go. Two random LO's from my albums. Not my faves but I just wanted to share a little something. I'm hoping that sharing my LO's publicly will help me to grow more creative and be more inspired by what people have to say about my work.
Have a GREAT tuesday!!

T-Ball = Fun

My niece Molly has started playing t-ball. My family and I went to see her play tonite. It was a good time. It was good seeing her play and have fun. She's growing soo soo fast........ They all are. Can't stay little forever I supose. Anyway. The first pic is of Molly on third base, playing in the dirt when she should have been running home haha. The second is of her before her game when she was super excited. I love this kid. Will post more tomorrow.

I'm Back!!!

After a great weekend spend with my Brother and his family in Louisville I'm back in this sleepy little town that I know, love and call home. Theres no place like it although I did LOVE the time we spent in Louisville this weekend. We did lots of things like........ Ate at the Old Spagetti Factory ( which I love ), went on a horse and carriage ride, walked around downtown, shopped, walked along the Ohio River. It was a wonderful and fun filled trip, But my favorite part of all was just spending time with my brother, that doesn't happen often enough. Hopefully this will be the first trip of many.


I'm trying to diet........ again. Yeah Yeah Yeah, I know. It is HARD. I don't know what it is about me but food just loves me. Once i eat it, it doesn't want to leave. It wants to hang around on my thighs or keep my belly button company. haha. But I'm gonna give it a try. Just like this blogging thing ( which is going quite well I might add, I kinda like it. )I have walked about 2 and a half miles today and Ran maybe a half. I'm gonna work on the running part, hopefully that will be switched soon............ ran 2 1/2 and walked a 1/2. That'll give me something to work toward right?

I'm gonna leave but before I do, I'll explain these pics....

The first is of my brother, sis-in-law and their two great kids. Standing in front of the Ohio River.

Second is me and my honey Jon.

Third is an upclose of my niece............. Beautiful isn't she, she's gonna be a heartbreaker someday. (But for now she's only five).

Have a great day!!!

Head Out for the Weekend

Hey Guys!! I just wanted to post one last time before my family and I head out for the weekend. Hope everyone has a good one. Just wanted to leave you with cute little picture hopefully it will make you smile. My nephew James Dallas. Look at that cute face. I always manage to get the cutest pics of him. I'm not so lucky with my other nieces and nephew. Have fun this weekend....... be safe!!

I'm gonna give this a try

Let me introduce myself.

Name: Heather D Riley

Age: 21 years

I love scrapbooking and riding fourwheelers

I graduated WKU with an associates degree in Nursing (RN) in May of 2007

Now that that is out of the way........... I'm completely new at this. ( Just thought I would let you know.) I have been contemplating starting my own blog for a while. And finally decided to give it a whirl. It may fail miserably, but then again it may triumph. Never know until you try right?
So this blog will probably consist of my day to day adventures, my passion for scrapbooking and maybe a few things to do with my latest craze..........!!! LOVE that place. More to come later!!!